You watch a training video … you get pumped!
You can’t wait to get to the gym and try some new workout or hit a new PR.
You even plan the workout the night before.
The day comes … you walk into the gym.
You lay on the bench or get under the squat rack, and ….
You’re not having it!
You’re into the 4th set and the pump is just not there!!
“It’s one of those days” … you say to yourself.
A few more sets and you call it a workout and leave.
Not having a good lasting pump in your muscle for the workout is the most frustrating feeling any bodybuilder or lifter could ever have.
Buckle up!
Because I’m about to share with you 5 tips to NEVER have to go through this feeling again!

6 Tips to get more and lasting pump in your workout
Here are the 6 most important tips to get a massive pump in your workout. Implement these techniques and I guarantee you will have some of the best workout days ever!
These tips are not separate. You should think of them as steps of one strategy rather than different pieces of advice.
Intermittent Fasting.
This sounds like a counterintuitive tip but bear with me.
Fast for 10 to 12 hours before having your pre-workout meal.
For example, skip dinner the night before your workout day that you want your pump maximized. If you add that to your 8-hour sleep, now you have 10-12 hours of fasting.
By then, the stored carbohydrates in your body should be gone.
The idea here is to deplete most of the glycogen from your muscles (glucose stored in your muscle).
This will allow for higher insulin sensitivity.
Break your fasting at pre-workout on carbs!
Now that you are carb-depleted, it is time for a carb refill.
About 3-4 hours before your workout, have a carb-dominant meal that contains high carbohydrates, high to moderate protein, and some healthy fats.
As an example:
- 20 – 30 grams of carbs.
- 20 – 30 grams of protein.
- 15 – 20 grams of healthy fats.
The purpose of this meal is to hike up your insulin sensitivity.
The sudden increase in carbohydrates in the body after 12 hours of fasting, will signal your pancreas to produce more insulin into your bloodstream.
Insulin is a nutrients transporter. It breaks down carbohydrates into glucose in the blood and transports it to your muscle cells.
The transport of nutrients by insulin is maximum during the energy phase window when you are training.
So the insulin will now command your muscle cells to open their gates in order to transport as much carbohydrates and protein to the muscles.
As for the protein, it will be broken down into amino acids and gets transported to the muscle cells in order to repair the torn-down muscle fibers from training.
Ok, now that we know the importance of carbs and protein pre-workout. What about fats?
Fats are critical to avoid a sudden drop in insulin levels, especially during the workout. This will cause you to “crash” and feel so tired halfway through your weight training.
So, the fats in the bloodstream will keep insulin elevated for a longer period of time.

Supplement with NO2, L-Arginine, and Creatine!
It’s a great idea to have a pump supplement pre-workout.
Creatine is important because it increases ATP energy production.
ATP is the molecule that captures the chemical energy produced from the broken down nutrients and carries it to your muscle cells.
L-Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced internally in the body. It was shown to increase the dilatation of blood vessels, which helps increase oxygen, nutrients, and minerals your muscles receive while mitigating the blood pressure.
Nitric Oxide (NO2) also was shown to help open up the blood vessels which enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. It was shown to increase stamina and reduce recovery time.
The increase in insulin sensitivity will help transport these supplements more efficiently into your muscle cells.
The result?
Warmup very well.
Drive as much blood flow to the muscle as you can. This will help you establish the mind-muscle connection.
The rush of blood to your muscle will help further transporting the nutrients and supplements into your muscle cells.
Generate tension while you train. Use lighter weights, to begin with, and go from there, but don’t compromise the tension.
Allow Time for Recovery Before your Big Day!
Ever taken a few days off then got back in the gym and saw a crazy pump?
Well, that is the magical combination of glycogen and muscle repair.
Take a day off before your most anticipated workout day, as it allows more time for recovery.
If you train a muscle group that’s sore, you will not get a pump! The muscle should be fully repaired before the fibers get torn down by weight lifting.
Although not recommended, anabolic agents are an important factor. Please understand there’s a huge difference between training naturally vs. enhanced.
Anabolic steroids help increase minerals (electrolytes) as well as the number of red blood cells, especially during the workout.
Deca, for example, is known for increasing potassium excretion which helps in muscle pumps.
The Sum-up Strategy to get more pump in your workout
The strategy of getting more pump is simple:
Increase insulin sensitivity prior to working out.
To accomplish this, and in order to get more pumps in your workout, follow these steps:
1. Have the day before your main workout day off. 2. Skip dinner on that day, and fast for 12 hours straight. 3. Break your fasting at the pre-workout meal 2-3 hours before the workout. 4. Meal should contain high carbs, high protein, and low fats. 5. Take pump supplements before workout: creatine, NO2, or L-arginine. 6. Warm up very well with light weights before doing the main sets.
Give this strategy a try and you will not be disappointed.