The Best Indoor Cycling Bikes For Home Cardio Workouts

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Top Pick

It’s often a struggle to get out of bed each morning, rain or shine, and hit the gym. Sometimes, the temptation to stay in bed a little longer is just too great! Looking for a new way to get super fit in the comfort of your own home?

Well, we may just have the solution. In this article, we’re going to give you the lowdown on what the best indoor cycling bike is all about, including the uses and benefits. Then, we’ll be looking at our favorites, so you can take your pick.

The Best Indoor Cycling Bikes — Top Five

Here’s the list of our top five best indoor cycling bikes, so you can take your pick.

1. L NOW Pro Indoor Cycling Bike Trainer

Our first choice of best indoor cycling bike is smaller than most, but it doesn’t discriminate, allowing anyone weighing up to 350 pounds to give it a go. This comes down to the adjustable seat and handlebars, which also have a microfiber coating, as well as the aluminum foot pedals, forging a comfortable, safe ride for all.

What’s more, the patented system without a chain not only makes it a quiet and smooth experience but also ensures durability. Then, the bidirectional flywheel easily changes direction and speed, so you can keep your workout varied. Pair this with the multimedia stand, you can plug in your music to further this variation and excitement.

  • Comfortable.
  • Exciting and versatile.
  • Challenging.
  • LCD monitor, with all your stats.
  • Maximum capacity 350 pounds.
  • Manufacturer prides itself on the bike’s durability.
  • Quiet.
  • The display has no backlight so is difficult to read in low light.
  • Doesn’t use air resistance, so it might not be as smooth as other models.

2. Assault AirBike Classic

Our next option is the Assault AirBike, which uses air resistance for a smooth and continuous ride. This smoothness is then optimized through the 20 sealed cartridge bearings in all the pivots and moving parts. Also, for a challenge, you can ramp up the resistance easily at the touch of a button, which avoids yet another distraction.

The part we like best about the AirBike is the motivational computer programs built into the machine, which you can match to your mood. This helps to promote your focus and keep you going.

You can even set targets of time, distance, and calories burned during each session, so you have something to work towards. Couple this with the integrated messaging system, which provides you with positive and motivational phrases every so often, you’re bound for success.

  • Smooth ride.
  • Keeps you focused and motivated.
  • Maximum user weight of 350 pounds.
  • Durable.
  • Continuous resistance.
  • Monitor, with all your stats.
  • Doesn’t have the most comfortable seat.
  • The fan produces a lot of air.

3. Schwinn 270 Recumbent Bike

This next option is our choice of best recumbent bike for home use. Instead of sitting upright and hunching over any handlebars, this one promotes posture.

We particularly like this one, as the Bluetooth connectivity means it syncs with their Schwinn app, which allows you to track your fitness. This provides numerous workout programs that actually allow you to ride alongside your friends using the video monitor. This, together with the built-in speakers for music, is a really fantastic way to keep you motivated to achieve all your fitness aspirations.

What’s more, the flywheel drive system, with its smoothness and consistency, will further support you, keeping you motivated to continue by diminishing distractions. Finally, with 25 resistance levels, 29 programs, and more, this option will surely keep you interested to keep working out.

  • Smooth and quiet.
  • Very versatile, with loads of workout programs.
  • Links with the app.
  • Recumbent, so enhances posture.
  • Keeps you motivated and focused.
  • Varied workout through multiple resistances.
  • At 300 pounds, it has a lower maximum weight capacity than previous options.
  • Heart rate monitor seems to be inaccurate.

4. Schwinn 230 Recumbent Bike

This our second pick of the best recumbent bike machines, and is pretty similar to our previous one, although with fewer programs and resistance levels. However, it has the ability for you to set yourself goals each time you work out.

The inertia drive system enables a quiet, smooth workout. The seat is easy to adjust, although taller users may find it’s a little cramped. As with the Schwinn 270 option, this one provides a USB and MP3 input for music, as well as speakers, and an LCD monitor detailing all your stats.

  • Adjustable seat for comfort.
  • Dual track LCD screen.
  • Smooth and quiet.
  • All the mod-cons to keep you entertained.
  • A little fewer workout programs than the previous best recumbent bike.
  • Not the best option for people over 6 feet tall.

5. Marcy Recumbent Exercise Bike with Resistance

The final choice of the best indoor cycling bike is a great option that could even be used as you work! Simply tuck the workout chair under your desk, and you can exercise and work all day long.

With a powder-coated finish, the Marcy recumbent exercise bike is super durable, and the eight resistance levels will keep you challenged. The comfortable, padded seat will enhance your workout comfort to keep you focused. What’s more, the counter-balanced pedals support your movement for optimum control.

  • Easy-to-read LCD monitor.
  • Great for multi-tasking.
  • Comfortable.
  • Provides control in your movement.
  • Quick mounting and dismounting.
  • Promotes more of a slouched posture.
  • No built-in mod-cons, like speakers.

A Buying guide to Indoor Cycling Bikes

The best indoor cycling bikes are, first of all, great for anyone looking to lose weight. It’s an ideal way to burn calories and helps build lean muscle instead of bulky muscle, like weightlifting.

What’s more, they’re also ideal for anyone with joint problems, particularly in the knees. This is because it’s low impact, unlike running for example, which can severely affect your knees over time.

If you’re looking for a simple way to get fitter at home, the best indoor cycling bike will get you through.

Some Benefits of Cycling

Indoor cycling bikes have so many great benefits for your body. These include:

  • Low impact, as we already mentioned above.
  • Provides a high-intensity full-body workout.
  • Helps to lose weight by burning calories.
  • Improves overall fitness.
  • Improves circulation.
  • Builds muscles and strength.
  • Provides a great cardiovascular workout.
  • You can do it in the comfort of your own home.

What’s more, there are even some studies which show that indoor cycling is actually more beneficial than outdoor cycling! Who knew? So, in order to get fitter, you don’t have to brave the elements on a rainy day.

What to Look for in An Indoor Cycling Bike

Now you know why we love indoor cycling bikes, it’s time to explore some of the features to consider in the best indoor cycling bike. We want you to come away from this article with as much information as possible, so here we go.


Our first factor, and probably the most important, is comfort. It all comes down to seat and handlebar padding, as well as the ability to adjust these two components.

This means that, whatever height you are, you should be supported. Comfort is key in keeping you focused; so, if you’re comfortable, you’ll keep going for longer—it’s as simple as that.


It’s a given that, with home gym equipment, you want it to be reasonably quiet, so you don’t disturb your family—or neighbors. This can also be a factor in your focus and motivation; if you’re not distracted by annoying sounds, your ride may even seem easier—mind over matter.

Smooth Motion

As we’ve said already, removing distractions when working out is one of the keys to success. If your focus isn’t diminished, then you’ll be able to keep going for longer.

This is where smooth motion comes in. If you’re not constantly being interrupted by a jerking or rattling mechanism, you’ll be good to go. It will depend on which of the best indoor cycling bike styles you choose and what kind of mechanism they have to ensure this but, either way, smoother is better!


When we make any big spend, we want to know it will last. Durability is the best way to ensure this.

This comes down to the mechanism, for example, air resistant systems are usually more durable than chain ones, as they don’t have any parts rubbing together. It also comes down to things like material, so if it’s powder-coated, for example, this coating might last longer.


We have to come up with a favorite option, so for the best indoor cycling bike, we’ve got to give the accolade to the L NOW Pro Indoor Cycling Bike Trainer. Not only is it comfortable, smooth, and quiet when it operates, but it’s also super space conscious. It’s small, so will fit into any nook or cranny you’ve got available in your home.

Due to the adjustable seat and handlebars, this makes it great for almost anyone, providing comfort for any size. Then, with the patented machinery, with no chain, you’re guaranteed durability and safety. What’s more, an array of built-in electronics will keep your workout varied and exciting.

Looking for an option that seems to have it all? This could well be the one.